Perception is everything that we base our lives on. Perception, is the one thing which we could never abandon, for it is as much a part of our nature, as we are a part of this world around us. Our boundless ability to perceive seems to possess the potency to shape the very core of our beliefs. It is the power to perceive and analyse which surpasses most others, in importance.
Perception, however, cannot be confused with, to put it simply, sight. What we see need not be what we perceive. After all, sight is merely a reaction to a physical stimulus in the form of light, but perception, is only partially based on the physical. It is also affected by our state of mind, our likes, dislikes and maybe even our hopes and aspirations. More often than not, we tend to perceive what we want to. Or to put it simply, we see what we want to see. We choose to be oblivious to the naked truth in front of us, and embrace a belief which suggests otherwise.
This tendency, to embrace what isn't so, is not a deliberate ploy we intend to implement so that we may live our lives to the fullest. No. I attribute this to something common. Something we all share. Namely, human nature. We do lie to ourselves, by this power to perceive what isn't so, but we choose not to accept the fact that we lie. We instead, choose to embrace a fool's paradise of sorts.
The power of perception knows no bounds. After reading a comment online here, I came across the "Lone cow" theory (which admittedly, I wasn't aware of, by the way). It poses a rather interesting question - "Would a single cow, isolated from the rest of the universe in a field still exist even though there would be no one to perceive its existence?" Interesting isn't it?
I do think that the question, by itself is redundant because the act of posing the question acknowledges the cow's existence!
Then again, one would shrug off my argument and go into the deeper recesses that the question throws open. It all depends on perception. I believe that the man (or woman - I tend to distance myself from even remotely sexist terms) who could successfully unify his Perception, with his vision, would be the symbol of human perfection. Then again... his perfection would have to be acknowledged by everyone else, if he were to be truly perfect in every sense of the word. That can only mean we would have to distance our perception from the feelings of envy we might feel towards him, to acknowledge his perfection. Effectively, it's only the perfect who could recognize the perfect!
Lol okay i am DEFINITELY a fan of yours now! I mean wow, I just love how your mind works. Here's a little test:
Write a sentence or two, each, on the following topics:
Hope, Dreams, Love, God, Money. I'll tell you what its about after you put it up!
Okay I'm just playing along here so don't hold anything I say against me lol
Hope: Something which warranted or not, realistic or not, forms the basis of our need to survive.
Dreams: Quite simply, Subconscious manifestations of our innermost desires (my own definition too!)
Love: A level of comfort more than anythig else that you can share with something (I'm not necessarily saying SOMEONE).
God: A concept we create to try and explain that which is unexplainable as of now, and then question it again and again to satisfy the logical side of our brain that's wondering "What the hell is up with that?"
Money: I'd be stupid to go against the ever-popular buck. It's something that would lead to our inevitable moral and social destruction... but the ride to that destruction's gonna be a fun one! Well.. to those who have it at least.
Hmmm.. maybe you could change that "Dreams" bit to something I used in an essay at a competition. "Subconscious manifestations of our innermost hopes and desires in the minds eye."
Well that wasn't exactly a test more than my comparison :P Everyone I know came up with the usual sentimental crap when It came to hope, dreams and love. You on the other hand, looked at it objectively. Coming to money, everyone said something along the lines of poverty, gap between the rich and the poor, what they'd do with it, but yours doesn't fit into either category!!! Don't even get me started about God. Everyone was headlong into belief or disbelief. While you touch on the disbelief, it's still something totally different.I'm not one for flattery, but you've seriously got a great mind :) I think it's a gift that you should use in any way possible! Whether it's through writing or through anything else, make sure you're keeping it busy!
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