Saturday, July 09, 2005


It's amazing how we, as humans, find or invent these little concepts to cling on to in times of need. We hinge all our faith on a particular principle or concept so that we could attribute our situations to it, and resign to it. Nothing represents this more than the concept of Destiny or Fate. I'm a sceptic in every sense of the word, although I'm leaning towards the side of a non-believer.

How many times have we heard the phrase "God works in mysterious ways.."? Plenty, if you were me. In actuality, I don't even belive in the concept of there being a god, but that's a different issue altogether. My point is, that many of us, subscribe to the theory that there is some Grand master plan that has been laid out to dictate every decision we make. This, is the concept of Destiny.

Doesn't this theory imply that no decision we make, is actually a decision WE make? How could you make a choice when there wouldn't actually be a choice? By the existence of such a universal master-plan, wouldn't the very concept of choice be redundant? Every decision would have already been taken, whether you're aware of it or not. Effectively, we're merely cogs in a constantly turning wheel that's headed in only one direction that we have no clue about. Difficult to believe is this not?

Look at it this way. I'm typing this out right now. Ask me why, and I'd say that it's because I feel like it. But who am I? The logical answer to this question is Nikhil Menon. But then again, who is Nikhil Menon? Who controls his thoughts? Why he does himself, doesn't he? Maybe, maybe not. When you look at it, all thoughts originate as an electrical impulse in the brain. What causes it to arise? What prompts the very essence of a thought inside me? Is it some grand scheme of things merely playing it's role in organising my thoughts? Doesn't make any sense does it?

Well I'm in one of those moods, and I'm now working on a little theory of my own, along these lines. A bit over my head, but I'm working on something to do with the way we live. Ignore this rant if it's nothing more than gibberish arranged in paragraphs. Criticise it through comments if you'd like, but I'm still going to work on it... I think I'm finally on to something worthwhile.


Anonymous said...

You can't generalise stuff like that. Everything IS interconneted. Fate rules.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Okay blunder! Mind taking off my previous comment after you've noted m email address? I might have invited some uninvite emails by putting it up there! Here's a copy of my previous comment (minus the email ID!) so that it preserves the atmosphere Lol :

I disagree with "drunkard"s view on that. I think there's a lot of sense in that nonsense :P The very idea that we're merely puppets in this world is ludicrous. I love the stuff you write. Get in touch with me. I think we'd be great buddies :)

Nikhil Menon said...

Lol yeah i was wondering why you'd put your email address up like that too! Anyway, hopefully no harm done cause it's off now. Hope you get my mail, and thanks for visiting my blog.