It's impossible to ascertain completely and exactly, the reason behind my typing a sentence such as this one. When it comes to a question of why I think, I can find no substantially satisfying answer. When I look at the world around me, hundreds of thoughts, each innately predisposed to stir in me an emotion, surge through my mind. One of these thoughts, posed a rather intriguing question. Why or how does a thought come about in the first place? Well, biologically, a thought is a mere electrical pulse in the brain which originates due to... well that's my point. That sentence could never be completed adequately. When it comes to thought, it seems to me that more thinking merely emphasises our inadequacy in explaining the one phenomenon which is arguably responsible for each and everything we see around us.
How does something so seemingly simple as a thought, evade an answer in the vast facets of knowledge we seem to possess? How exactly does something entirely physical/electrical/chemical as an electrical "spark" of sorts come about in the first place, to reshape the very world around us? Well I suppose the question is more rhetoric than anything else. Perhaps it is born out of necessity. Most things, today and in the yester-years, were born out of necessity. That, however, raises the question of what exactly determines this necessity. It appears to me that the further one delves into a question such as this, the more lost he (or she..) would be in this incredible tapestry of mystery.
Perhaps we are all, by virtue of being living organisms, always in search of stability in many shapes and forms. Perhaps the entire evolutionary process was a mere search for a higher state of stability. Today, at this stage of evolution, one of the tools of the species to attain this higher level of stability is thought. Perhaps in one way or the other, every decision we make, every thought we think of, in its own unique way contributes to an overall state of stability which may or may not be entirely apparent. Perhaps the only reason we do the things we do, is to find a stable environment in which to thrive. This perhaps gives due credit to the saying "everything happens for the good of things", but it also raises the question of how something so spontaneous as a thought could influence the stability of the species as a whole. A thought, by virtue of its own potent form has changed the very way lived from the stone age, to the world we see around us now. Isn't everything we see a direct result of someone's thinking? It could be said that arguably, we are today, a lot more stable as a whole than we were some time ago.
But what then, would explain our seemingly pandemic state of moral degeneracy? Is a total break-down of all moral values also in some way, an aid to a higher state of existence? Or is it "nature's" way of giving up on us? I seem to have a brick wall at the moment. There are too many things to contemplate and look over before I attempt to even write on something of this magnitude, but I'm not one who's too much a fan of preparation when it comes to matters of the mind and mattes of the world. Spontaneity I believe is the one element which could most efficiently and truthfully express one's views. Spontaneity is what makes most things possible. After all, thoughts are spontaneous processes in the brain, and look how far they've gotten us..
It's been a week since you last posted! Don't do that again Lol Well I think you hit the nail on the head. We just cant find an explanation for how we think or why. Anyway I just saw your posts on "ephilosopher". I think the very fact that your posts are attracting so much attention at your VERY young age in the world of philosophy (esp. Don't believe the truth) shows that you're something that doesn't come along too often. Now I'm not exactly an old wisewoman at twenty two, but I know that some day I could probably brag to people that I kept in touch through email with someone such as yourself! :) I honestly believe that and trust me, I'm not the kind to lavish praise on anyone. Just felt like saying all this now, because I believe everyone needs to know what others think of them. So as far as I'm concerned, you've just won your first fan here!
Therz no way ure 17. This soundz lik some stuff some ol man wud rite. U cant b a 17 yr ol kid. They cant think so much abt life.
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