Sense, forms the very basis of our outlook on life. Then again, can you truly believe in the principal of ‘sense’ as we currently know it? Isn’t it possible that ‘sense’ or in this case, our ability to define and categorize something as being a rational, logical and coherent entity, be clouded by the human mind's innate predisposition to FEEL? Basically, reality is as subjective as perception (see Perception - another post of mine a little earlier).
One of the things we don not seem to realize, is that sense, and sensibility for that matter, are things we have defined ourselves. Yet, we do not seem to realize that what one human mind can create, another human mind can better, or evolve. What one mind can define, another can REDEFINE. Why is it then, that the entire "general public" seems to have a similar ideology when it comes to matters of sense and sensibility? (Two VRY different terms with their own numerous connotations, and yet, each one of them is applicable in this context). Maybe you've chosen not to even think of a reason behind this just as easily as you've discussed this bit of writing as "non-sensical"!
I, for once (!!), happen top know the answer to the question I've posed above. As scattered and divided as we may be on most issues, there seems to be a certain value of unity amongst us. We are all uniform in our conformity to some grand universal code. A code, which like anything else, a human mind has created. A code, which we have accepted blindly and have chosen not to question. A code, more than welcomed with open arms. What is this 'code' I'm referring to? This code, is that of morality. This code, is that which lays down the rules behind everything that can possibly be designated as rational, logical or "something which makes sense". In fact, this code, which I reiterate - WE DID NOT come up with ourselves, has defined the very concept of rationalism and logic.
Why have we blindly accepted a "code of conduct" and a set of "ground rules to define all that we can or cannot perceive as sensical" without question? Why is it that its roots go so deep as to penetrate the very nature of education we are given as children? Some say it is because this Code I speak of, is meant to be the best way for mankind to go about life. I ask you though.. How could we deem the existing one, as the 'best' set of principles to run our lives by, if we have no real benchmark to define the word "best"?
Has our mental strength completely given way? Have we lost our will to think? Would we plod through each day, epitomizing the drones who adhere to a single code of living, JUST because someone, somewhere, at some time came up with the idea that this was indeed a better way of living?
We seemed to have lost the ability to think and contemplate, when it comes to our own lives. It is a pity, that we do not match the zeal that we show to find knowledge on the things around us, on the efforts to understand what we should live by. Have we, as a race, conceded to the fact that we are incapable of thinking for ourselves anymore? Do we not even care to make the simplest of efforts to interpret the existing principles in our own way? Sadly, I think there will soon come a day when it is known - The human mind has consumed itself.
Hey, I'm sorry i took so long to get back online. Stupid exams! :P Well I just read this one, and while I don't appreciate the signs of rebellion there, I still think it's a good bit of writing :) Keep in touch! (I'm replying to your email right now!)
whoops - sorry, forgot to leave my name. See you later, and blog soon.
Hey santosh, No offense, but that kind of language doesn't exactly suit the nature of this website. I took it the right way but I doubt visitors would do the same. Hence, I removed the previous comment of yours.
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