Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Priorities, Priorities...

It certainly has been a while since I last posted so that probably explains why the momentum of traffic on this blog is dying down. Due to the rather hectic nature of the course I'm currently doing, I might not find too much time to come on the net, let alone post new ppieces of writing on my blog. Hopefully an arrangement of some sort could be carried out and I might be able to put up new posts directly or indirectly through people I know. Thanks for visiting,



Anonymous said...

May the force be with you, young philosopher. On the blog or not, make sure you never stop writing. It will be what earns your daily bread someday.

Anonymous said...

May the force be with you, young philosopher. On the blog or not, make sure you never stop writing. It will be what earns your daily bread someday.

Anonymous said...

Pretty much the same here, and I am not even in a college yet! Hope to remedy that soon, though. And it would be SO convenient if you effing Blogspot loojahs would try copy-pasting on LiveJournal- that way you would get a lot more traffic on your journals.

Anonymous said...

hey, i just want to say, im very very far from you and i would you like you to know that i come in here everyday to read what is new on your blog, and the only reason is because i simply love your name Nikhil Menon. thank you for accidenttly come into my life

Nikhil Menon said...

Well it's nice to hear(see) comments like that :) Thank you and I may not be able to post too often, but it's things like this that make it all worth while. Once again, thanks a lot 'Anonymous'.