Friday, August 05, 2005

On God.. (View my post on Ephilosopher by clicking here)

It seems that the concept of a God is something that mankind has invented more out of necessity than anything else. It seems to me that 'God' is just something we have invented to provide some form of 'valid' explanation to those things we cannot explain. Fear is probably another reason why man has invented this concept of there being an all pervading, omnipotent creator. Since the dawn of man, there has been an innate fear of the elements of nature. As a result of this, the primitive man worshipped what he saw around him in order to avoid incurring nature's wrath. This is probably the origin of the concept of a God. After all, fear is probably the one thing we deem synonymous with necessity.

God as an entity, according to almost all major religions, possesses the power to perform almost any act he/she desires. Then again, I wonder why I use the term "he/she" because if God is truly the creator, he cannot be one of the created. This power God possesses is reminiscent of our need to establish some form of order in our life. By subscribing to a belief in there being a Lord of all things big and small, isn't it a sign of our humanity? A sign of our hope that when things go wrong, in some way, they're all part of some grand plan of the good God's?

More than anything else, I believe the concept of god is necessary in a world such as ours today. Whether a god truly exists or not, one cannot ignore the fact that God is 'someone' most turn to in times of need. Faith becomes a path of healing and comfort. God becomes the unconditional source of love and the epitome of power who has it in his capability to mend all that is wrong. God becomes the universal parent, ever-ready to provide comfort.

When something unfortunate happens, it only seems too convenient to subscribe to the cliché that 'God works in mysterious ways'. Consider this. If the concept of god could be compared to some scientific theory (which I assume it often is) subject to intense scrutiny, things would be something like this. This theory would subscribe more to personal belief than to reason. This theory would contain more assumptions than deductions. This theory would be defended by the one who proposed it with the use of various irrelevant comparisons like 'Take the wind. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it isn't there'.

On the other hand, there are indeed numerous things which are currently beyond our capacity to explain. However it doesn’t mean there ISN'T an explanation. Maybe there is a God, maybe there isn't. As far as I'm concerned, the question as to God's existence is something which cannot possibly be answered at this time. I wouldn't call myself a non-believer and I wouldn't ask you to become a non-believer, but I wouldn't call myself a believer too hastily either. Time may tell who is on the right side of this debate, but whether God exists or not, I believe the concept of God is integral to the moral status of the human race as a whole.


Anonymous said...

Hey! Ws looking forward to the new post. I liked reading this one. Although I think envisioning a world without a creator is more irrational than a world with one. Everything that is, is because something has created it don't you think?

Nikhil Menon said...

Well when you think about it, everything has to be created by something. I just don't believe that the 'something' always has to be a 'someone'. You know?

Anonymous said...

i believe the god is in yourself. when you were in the time of discovery you had to believe in whatever you put yourself to do so i guess you had to praise in the divine whisch is yourself or the leader of your group. this concept of god is just like making you believe in santa claus. why can we be ourselves. we done so many things againist this god and we are still here so we are responsible of our own action so we each are a god who destroy and makes life. there is no one god we are all one. we are all with the power and weakness the sickness and healthyness. love and hate think about it that we have been taught to believe to be full of fear and respect.. why can we been just ourselves. maybe we get alone without this racial religion so fore going in the world be nature and not be program by all these news, commercial, we have begin to loose our own identtiy with all this technology some good and other unnecessary we have split the human race we compet, we have wars over and over aaginn its a constant repeated cycles and of life we are in a Circle

Anonymous said...

well, what is God? really? i am Christian, i don't feel i need to be annonymous about it either. i beleive in the Christian beliefs, but i will be completely honest, if i had not grown up learning about these beliefs as if there was no other possibility, then i do not know where i would stand. however, i DO believe in these beliefs. and i will be utterly honest, most likely deep down inside, because i am scared of nothing else. of dying, and that is the end? no thank you. but, to keep me from feeling as if i am a non-follower, let me say this, perhaps God put fear in us for this very reason.
Now, this comment also relates to your other post about humans obsession with order, and how wer are basically in simple words brain washed as we grow up. -religion is also coded into our brains at this stage.