I've asked a lot of people this question - What are the two ways you can look at things?
Some answers were:
a) The right way and the wrong way (the most popular)
b) The pragmatic way and the emotional way
c) The biased and the neutral way
I guess these are more or less along the lines of most answers I would get for that question.
My answer is a lot simpler - Your way, and my way.
Who decides if something is "right" or "wrong"?
Who decides if something is the "pragmatic" or the "emotional" thing to do?
Who decides is someone is being "biased" or "neutral"?
What's "right" to someone could easily be "wrong" to another. A pragmatic decision may not always be devoid of emotion and an emotional decision need not necessarily be one that isn't pragmatic. And surely a biased decision doesn't always appear to be a biased one to the beneficiary.
The only things black and white in this world, are black and white.
In the end, we only have our own opinions, thoughts and ideals to carry with us into every decision we make.
No two individuals can ever be completely alike in terms of their opinions towards different issues. So in the end, any situation, any task, any instance can only be summarized or looked at in two possible ways - Your way, and my way.